
# Introduction

Before we begin, I assume that you already have a good understanding of Object-Oriented Programming and know about the three pillars of OOP: (1) Encapsulation, (2) Inheritance, and (3) Polymorphism. Additionally, you should already be able to easily distinguish between (1) Funciton overloading and (2) Function overriding. The remainder of this post is structured as follows:

  1. Object-Oriented Programming in C++
  2. vtables: How C++ polymorphism works under the hood
  3. Case study: Reverse engineering vtables in real-world binaries (CS:GO)

# Object-Oriented Programming in C++

# Upcasting and Downcasting

class Circle {};
class Ellipse : public Circle {};
int main() {
  Circle *c = new Circle(5);                  // [1]
  Circle *e1 = new Ellipse(4, 3);             // [2]
  Ellipse *e2 = dynamic_cast<Ellipse *>(e1);  // [3] if dynamic_cast() fails, e2 will be a nullptr.
  • Case 1
    • We are about to create and initialize a new Circle object.
    • We allocate memory using operator new and obtain c , the address of our new Circle object.
    • c as well as an additional argument 5 are passed to the constructor of Circle.
    • The constructor of Circle initializes our new object.
    • The address of our new Circle object is stored in a pointer to a Circle.
  • Case 2: upcasting
    • Ellipse derives from its base class, Circle
    • In C++, it is perfectly legal to assign a derived class’s pointer to a base class’s pointer, or bind a derived class’s reference to a base class’s reference.
    • What if we want to do this in reverse? The answer is downcasting.
  • Case 3: downcasting
    • If we need to cast e1 (a Circle) back to an Ellipse again, we need to explicitly downcast it.
    • If the underlying object pointed to by e1 is indeed an Ellipse, then dynamic_cast() will succeed.
    • Otherwise, dynamic_cast() will return a nullptr.
    • An ellipse is surely a circle, but a circle isn’t necessarily an ellipse, right? 🤓

# Overriding Virtual Methods

In C++, if a “member function” (or “method”) is declared virtual , then it will be polymorphic at runtime. Let’s take a look at this example:

class Circle {
  virtual double GetArea() const {
    std::cout << "Circle::GetArea()" << std::endl;
    return std::numbers::pi * std::pow(radius_, 2);
  // ...
class Ellipse : public Circle {
  // Since Circle::GetArea() is already virtual, Ellipse::GetArea() will also be implicitly virtual.
  // As a result, it's not mandatory to write virtual here. However, I believe that it's always a
  // good practice to mark the overridden methods as virtual, since this makes the function prototype
  // more self-documenting.
  virtual double GetArea() const override {
    std::cout << "Ellipse::GetArea()" << std::endl;
    return std::numbers::pi * radius_a_ * radius_b_;
  // ...
int main() {
  std::shared_ptr<Circle> c1 = std::make_shared<Circle>(5);
  std::shared_ptr<Circle> c2 = std::make_shared<Ellipse>(3, 4);
$ clang++ -std=c++20 -o out && ./out

In the above program:

  • We have two classes: Circle and Ellipse , where Ellipse derives from Circle .
    • Ellipse::GetArea() overrides Circle::GetArea() .
  • In main()
    • c1 points to an instance of Circle, and its type is shared_ptr<Circle>
    • c2 points to an instance of Ellipse, but its type is also shared_ptr<Circle>
  • Question:
    • c2 is of type shared_ptr<Circle>
    • When we invoke c2->GetArea() , which method will be called?
    • Circle::GetArea() or Ellipse::GetArea() ?
  • Answer:
    • Ellipse::GetArea()
    • Reason: Although an ellipse can be viewed as a circle, but when we need to calculate its area, we want to use the correct formula.

# vtables: How C++ polymorphism works under the hood

You: So, you’re telling me that the above program knows the underlying type c2 points to is actually an Ellipse, not a Circle?
aesophor: Yes, exactly.

You: Wait! How is that possible?
aesophor: This magic is thanks to “vtable”, and we’re going to demystify it now.

In this section, we discuss three types of inheritance in C++, and how vtables look under these circumstances.

# Single Inheritance

When a class has at least one virtual method (including those inherited from its base classes), then through gdb we can see the first 8 bytes is _vptr , a pointer to the vtable of this class. All of its data members will be placed after _vptr .

  • The Derived class overrides the method foo()
  • In the vtable of Derived , the first virtual function is Derived::foo() , not Parent::foo() .

# Multiple Inheritance

Before we talk about multiple inheritance, we need to clarify two terms: (1) primary base (2) secondary bases.
These terms are borrowed from: Itanium C++ ABI (Revision: 1.75). In short:

class Child : public Base1, public Base2, public Base3, ..., public BaseN {
              |__________|  |___________________________________________|
              Primary Base                Secondary Bases

In the following example, the class Child derives from Mother , Father and Aunt (not so ethical…)

  • Mother is the primary base class, and it shares the same vtable with Child .
  • Father is one of the secondary base classes, and it has a standalone vtable.
  • Aunt is also one of the secondary base classes, and it has a standalone vtable.
class Mother {
  virtual void mother_foo() {}
class Father {
  virtual void father_foo() {}
class Aunt {
  virtual void aunt_foo() {}
class Child : public Mother, public Father, public Aunt {
  virtual void child_foo() {}
int main() {
    Child c;

With gdb, we can prove that the aforementioned rules about vtables are correct.

00:0000│ rsp 0x7fffffffe040 —▸ 0x555555557ce0 —▸ 0x555555555272 (Mother::mother_foo()) ◂— endbr64
01:0008│     0x7fffffffe048 —▸ 0x555555557d00 —▸ 0x555555555282 (Father::father_foo()) ◂— endbr64
02:0010│     0x7fffffffe050 —▸ 0x555555557d18 —▸ 0x555555555292 (Aunt::aunt_foo()) ◂— endbr64
03:0018│     0x7fffffffe058 ◂— 0x696db6e89b61aa00
04:0020│ rbp 0x7fffffffe060 ◂— 0x0
05:0028│     0x7fffffffe068 —▸ 0x7ffff7bc7083 (__libc_start_main+243) ◂— mov    edi, eax

Now, let’s look at my slides for a more distilled example

  • Mother::mother_foo() and Child::child_foo() are placed within the same vtable.
  • The virtual functions from the primary base class comes first, and then those from the derived class follow.

What if Child overrides a virtual function in a secondary base class, you ask…

  • A new vtable entry is added to the primary vtable: Child::father_foo()
  • In Father’s vtable, Father::father_foo() is replaced with a non-virtual thunk to Child::father_foo() 🤔
  • So if we cast a Child * to a Father * and invoke father_foo()
    • it will adjust this pointer by -0x10 (offset_to_top)
    • call the 2nd virtual function in the primary vtable.
    • i.e. Child::father_foo(/*this=*/rdi - 0x10)

This also implies that:

void *p1 = &c;
void *p2 = static_cast<Father *>(&c);  // p1 != p2

# Virtual Inheritance

Virtual inheritance in C++ is a technique to eliminate the “diamond of death” by ensuring only one copy of a base class’s member variables are inherited by grandchild derived classes. Let’s take a look at an example from libstdc++ 10.2.0:

// Templates omitted for simplicity.
class ios_base {};
class basic_ios : public ios_base {};
class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios {};
class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios {};
class basic_iostream : public basic_istream, public basic_ostream {};

Without virtual inheritance, the data members of basic_ios will be passed down twice to the most derived class basic_iostream (one via basic_istream , one via basic_ostream ), resulting in ambiguous and duplicated data members in basic_iostream . To understand the layout of vtables under virtual inheritance, let’s begin with the simplest scenario:

In single inheritance and multiple inheritance, the derived class will share the same vtable ( _vptr (primary) ) with the primary base class. However, with virtual inheritance, the virtual primary base class will always have a standalone vtable ( _vptr (vbase) ). What’s more, a new entry is added to the beginning of all vtables involved: virtual_base_offset . This offset ensures that all parent’s data members will only have one copy, and that they will be stored in a single place (subsequent to _vptr (vbase) ) instead of being stored next to _vptr (primary) .

Next, let’s see what happens if we override a parent’s virtual member function. In the following example, the derived class B overrides foo() from its base class A .

Similar to what happened with multiple inheritance as we discussed earlier, a new entry is inserted into the primary vtable ( _vptr (primary) , and the original entry in the virtual vtable ( _vptr (vbase) ) is now replaced with a virtual thunk to B::foo() . If you recall, we’ve seen a “non-virtual thunk to XXX” before, and this time it’s called a “virtual thunk to XXX”. Quite interesting… 🤔

Finally, let’s consider the most complicated scenario: The Diamond of Death. In the below example, We can see that both B and C virtually inherit from A , and thanks to virtual inheritance, there’s only one copy of A 's data members (they are placed in _vptr (vbase) ).

Let’s see what happen if we override a virtual member function from A . Familiar things happen again!

# Case Study: Reverse Engineering C++ vtables in Real-World Binaries

In the last section, we demonstrate how to apply our knowledge in reverse engineering C++ vtable to game hacking. More specifically, we’ll take the x86_64 macOS game client of Counter Strike: Global Offensive, reverse engineer it, and create an internal cheat with aimbot (自瞄外掛).

# Inspecting the Game Client

$ file '~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/bin/osx64/client.dylib'
client.dylib: Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64

# Background

From Valve Developer Wiki:

  1. CUserCmd (“user command”) is the networkable representation of the player’s input, including keys pressed and viewangle.
  2. Usercmds intended for transmission to the server are created when the engine invokes IBaseClientDLL::CreateMove (once per tick). The usercmds created are stored in a circular buffer (CInput::PerUserInput_t::m_pCommands) until the engine invokes IBaseClientDLL::WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer to compress and serialize them to the server.

So the information of the player’s input (including the keys pressed and the current viewangle) is collected into a CUserCmd , buffered in a circular buffer, and then sent to the game server.

The current client mode is also given a chance to manipulate the newly created usercmd via IClientMode::CreateMove.

So what if we can intercept the CUserCmd s and edit them before they’re sent to the server? 🤯

The default implementation (ClientModeShared::CreateMove) delegates to the local player via C_BasePlayer::CreateMove, which in turn passes the usercmd to CBaseCombatWeapon::CreateMove on the active weapon.

By inspecting the leaked codebase from 2013, we can actually find the piece of code matching the above description.

// game/client/clientmode_shared.cpp
bool ClientModeShared::CreateMove(float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *cmd) {
  C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
  if (!pPlayer) {
    return true;
  return pPlayer->CreateMove(flInputSampleTime, cmd);
// game/client/c_baseplayer.cpp
bool C_BasePlayer::CreateMove(float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *pCmd) {
  // ...
  CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetActiveWeapon();
  if (pWeapon) {
    pWeapon->CreateMove(flInputSampleTime, pCmd, m_vecOldViewAngles);
  // ...

# Analysis

Here are the definitions of ClientModeShared and its primary base class, IClientMode .

  • Both IClientMode and ClientModeShared will share the same vtable.
  • The order of virtual functions appeared in the primary vtable will be the same as how they are declared in the base class.
// game/client/clientmode_shared.h
class ClientModeShared : public IClientMode, public CGameEventListener {
  DECLARE_CLASS_NOBASE( ClientModeShared );
  virtual ~ClientModeShared();
  virtual void Init();
  virtual void InitViewport();
  virtual void VGui_Shutdown();
  virtual void Shutdown();
  // ...
  virtual void ProcessInput(bool bActive);
  virtual bool CreateMove(float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *cmd);
  // ...
// game/client/iclientmode.h
abstract_class IClientMode {
  virtual ~IClientMode() {}
  // Called before the HUD is initialized.
  virtual void InitViewport() = 0;
  virtual void Init() = 0;
  virtual void VGui_Shutdown() = 0;
  virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
  // Called when switching from one IClientMode to another.
  // This can re-layout the view and such.
  // Note that Enable and Disable are called when the DLL initializes and shuts down.
  virtual void Enable() = 0;
  virtual void EnableWithRootPanel(vgui::VPANEL pRoot) = 0;
  // ...
  virtual void OverrideMouseInput(float *x, float *y) = 0;
  virtual bool CreateMove(float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *cmd) = 0;
  virtual void LevelInit(const char *newmap) = 0;
  virtual void LevelShutdown() = 0;
  // ...

# Finding the Index of CreateMove() in the vtable of IClientMode

As of now, we know about two things:

  • From Valve Developer Wiki, IClientMode::CreateMove() has a chance to edit the CUserCmd before it is sent to the server.
  • If we can leverage vtable hijacking and overwrite the address of CreateMove() in the vtable, our cheat will have a chance to r/w CUserCmd.
    • ClientModeShared::CreateMove() calls C_BasePlayer::CreateMove().
    • IClientMode is the primary base class of ClientModeShared, so they share the same vtable.
    • Now we need to find the index of CreateMove() within the vtable of IClientMode .

A commonly used technique to find the index of a virtual function within a vtable is leveraging string literals. If we read ClientModeShared::CreateMove() and C_BasePlayer::CreateMove(), we’ll only find out that there are no useful string literals in these two functions. 😓 Luckily, in ClientModeShared::LevelInit() , there are three string literals!

void ClientModeShared::LevelInit(const char *newmap) {
  // Tell the Chat Interface
  if (m_pChatElement) {
  // we have to fake this event clientside, because clients connect after that
  IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent("game_newmap");
  if (event) {
    event->SetString("mapname", newmap);
  // Create a vgui context for all of the in-game vgui panels...
  if (s_hVGuiContext == DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT) {
    s_hVGuiContext = vgui::ivgui()->CreateContext();
  // Reset any player explosion/shock effects
  CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
  enginesound->SetPlayerDSP(filter, 0, true);

We’ll choose the string “LevelInit”. Search it in IDA.

Bingo! The first one is ClientModeShared::LevelInit() (sub_1639A0)

Decompile it, just to make sure it really is the one we’re looking for. LGTM. 🤤

List all the xrefs to sub_1639A0 , and here the second one is the vtable entry we’re looking for.

Let’s take a look at the vtable… LevelInit() 's index is 26, so CreateMove() 's index will be 25.

# Exploitation

I’m running x86_64 CS:GO on my M1 Pro MacBook Pro through rosetta2, so we’ll compile and link our cheat into a x86_64 dylib, and then use lldb to inject it into the CS:GO process. The piece of code that hijacks the vtable of IClientMode will look something like this:

void __attribute__((constructor)) OnDylibLoad() {
  // Obtain the `this` pointer to `ClientModeShared`.
  auto clientMode = reinterpret_cast<IClientMode *>(GetClientMode());
  // Backup the address of the original CreateMove().
  using CreateMoveFn = bool (*)(IClientMode *, float, CUserCmd *);
  CreateMoveFn originalCreateMove = GetVFunc<CreateMoveFn>(clientMode, 25);
  // Overwrite the address of CreateMove() with our own CreateMove().
  PutVFunc(clientMode, 25, CreateMoveHook);
// Read the `index`-th entry from the vtable.
template <typename FuncPtr>
constexpr FuncPtr GetVFunc(void *vtable, const uint32_t index) {
  return reinterpret_cast<FuncPtr>((*static_cast<void ***>(vtable))[index]);
// Overwrite the `index`-th entry in the vtable with `newFunc`.
template <typename FuncPtr>
constexpr void PutVFunc(void *vtable, const uint32_t index, FuncPtr newFunc) {
  (*static_cast<void ***>(vtable))[index] = reinterpret_cast<void *>(newFunc);
// The original method prototype is: IClientMode::CreateMove(float frameTime, CUserCmd *cmd).
// So the first argument will be the `this` pointer, and then frameTime and cmd follow.
// Furthermore, since IClientMode is the primary base class of ClientModeShared,
// so using `IClientMode *` and `ClientModeShared` are both okay since they will have
// the same address.
bool CreateMoveHook(IClientMode *thisptr, float frameTime, CUserCmd *cmd) {
  // ...
  hacks::prediction::StartPrediction(localPlayer, cmd);
  hacks::bhop::CreateMove(localPlayer, cmd);
  hacks::antiaim::CreateMove(localPlayer, cmd);
  hacks::autostrafe::CreateMove(localPlayer, cmd);
  hacks::aimbot::CreateMove(localPlayer, cmd);
  // ...

Here’s my full source code of my CS:GO cheat, but I won’t provide any instructions or tutorials on building the project. If you want to receive a pre-compiled dylib instead of figuring out by yourself, contact me m.aesophor [at] for a price.